Member-only story
Ride the Whirlwind — Climate Stabilization Technologies
By Howard Bloom
The highly respected British charitable agency to combat poverty, Oxfam, predicts that climate change will produce “a growing trend of… destructive climate disasters.” And in our previous chapter of The Case of the Sexual Cosmos: Everything You Know About Nature is Wrong, I told you that our way out of climate change is climate stabilization technologies. But what the hell are climate stabilization technologies?
We’ve been inventing climate stabilization technologies since we first used a stone tool to slice the hide and fur off of an animal and turn it into clothing for ourselves.
We were born to eat meat. How do we know? When you eat a steak or a chop, a vital chemical goes off in your gut and travels to your brain. It’s cholecystokinin. And it tells your brain and mine to bond to the lovely folks who are sharing their barbecue with us. Those people may be a winning team. They could up our intake of something vital: protein.
So why were we born clawless? Why were we born without the tools we needed to bring down prey? Because we were born to craft upgrades on fangs and claws. We were born as the grandchildren of our technologies. We invented stone tools 3.3 million years ago. We evolved with tools at our side for 3.1 million years. And those technologies…