Garyk Lee: “Following Garyk” by Eileen Shapiro


Artist and eclectic visionary Garyk Lee is about to film his 7th episode of Garyk Lee Style TV which is a how-to show focusing on decor, fashion, art, and dining. With a slew of orgasmic guest stars appearing on each YouTube episode, he keeps the presentation fresh and exciting.

As an artist developing fashion and architecture in intriguing expressions of eclectic opulence, he continues to create. After following Garyk for some time, I finally met him at his home in Palm Springs, and was rendered speechless (which is nearly impossible), at the shear creativity and imagination that surrounded me. Having caught up with him instead of remaining in awe, I felt like sharing his presence with the world…..

Since we last spoke what new additions have you added to your YouTube show?

Well, you know me…I can’t help letting all my childhood favorite characters have an influence on my creativity..

I always LOVED Lucy and all the characters she would play…Same with The Carol Burnett show, SNL…So for me, a straight How-To Show is boring…I always loved a continuing story line… So I have started creating characters that will re-visit Garyk Lee Style TV…Most recently, I developed Loretta Christiansenson, who has a hard time pronouncing her own name…She is a very hard right, bigoted Southern Socialite that thinks she is superior with her holier than thou attitude…She never quite gets it right. Do you remember SNL’s Roseanna Roseannadanna? How she was always missing the beat of the topic of the day? Well let’s just say Loretta definitely shares that same problem but delivers it with her southern flair… Oh and by the way, I am playing Loretta…In episode 6, Loretta unexpectedly is asked by my animated muse/assistant Fashiona to interview Garyk for her show, “Let’s Talk” with Loretta Christiansenson…She basically shows her homophobic attitude. My point is to show how silly it is if you share her view…She will continue to do cameo’s as I love exposing the self-righteous characters that I’ve encountered along the way…Fashiona too is often screwing up and becomes the catalyst for the predicaments I find myself in…and all I really want to do is create.

After viewing you’re extravagantly, eclectic, and beautiful home, I’m wondering if the inspiration for your show was triggered by the fabulous job you’ve done with it?

Aww…Thank-You.I think partly so as I’ve used it as a basis for my first few episodes.I am continually improving my house with small projects that my goal is to convey to others, how simple and affordable small aesthetic projects can completely transform the mood of your house.Going further, I will have special access available for more detailed explanation of very unique and easy to do art projects, and provide actual access for direct Q and A design advice.

If you could have your ultimate art fantasy, what would need to happen ?

Probably a complete support team of animators, and graphic artists so I can create an animated series where I design everything…maybe it’s in the future, or past…or both…however, I get to have “carte-blanche” with all designs and story lines.

Because I’m so nosey, what do future episodes hold?

My next episode (7) is all about re-styling my dear and talented friend, Bobbie Eakes past Daytime Emmy gown and some of her performance gowns. She is known for her role as Krystal Carrie on ABC’s All My Children, and Macy Alexander on Bold and the Beautiful. While I seriously re-do her old designs to work for her today. I will incorporate original characters that are part of that particular story line, and another episode following will most likely include Bobbie showing off her new design during a quaint dinner at my home where we will focus on food and dining, with fun, celebrity guests, a Dinner Party of 8. How to do a stunning table, healthy delicious cuisine by Chef Tony, my personal chef. Ha. Actually, my other half, Or my better half I should say, I’ve been real spoiled with food for 33 years.

So our readers can better get to know you, describe yourself?

I love humor, I can find humor in most anything…It’s a safe place for me to go…I can also be very intense and serious…I love beauty, I believe and try to practice The Golden Rule…I am a firm believer that if you put good out into the Universe…it will definitely come back to you!

If you could have me ask you any question, what would it be and how would you answer it?

What has been your most memorable moment as an artist thus far?

When I was a guest on an LA based talk show back in 1987 and the infamous Richard Blackwell was the other guest…We were in the greenroom together and he saw my model, Laurie Cantwell…Now Laurie Rosenthal, wearing a dove gray gaberdine wool cocktail suit with contrast fushia silk podesua accents called Citi Wind. She had just come out of the dressing room, when he went over and adjusted her hat as she was wearing it too much on the back of her head. He tilted it forward and it was the finishing touch. I would have done the same thing but he beat me to it. He was on first and as I watched from the television monitor in the greenroom, he compliments the Background Art which was a contemporary citi-scape. He said it reminded him of 42nd street growing up in NYC, and said whoever did it is brilliant. My jaw dropped. I’m listening to the host and he proceeded to explain. I created the art and I was the next guest, Mr. Blackwell interrupted him and said, “You’re kidding, well I must say, I saw one of his designs on the model in the greenroom and I must say, there hasn’t been a designer since Adrian that has the flair and talent he saw and that I bring hope for sanity to the fashion industry. I think he’s got it!” I was flabbergasted as I grew up seeing and reading his column that was syndicated in every newspaper in the country. He was The fashion Critique of the era.

What’s new for you in the world of art?

I will continue with my Lifestyle scenes that fuse fashion, architecture…and vintage cars… I’m hoping to expand into other styles of Architecture, such as Craftsman…(Portland, Seattle)…Town House…(San Francisco)… Loft Style, (NYC)…Beach Cottage…(Fire Island)….I just need to find the time. My ideas come way quicker than I can physically implement them. Guess that’s a good problem. Always a pleasure speaking with you Eileen, and what joy to have met you finally in person.

Subscribe and Watch Garyk Lee Style TV on youtube here:

The official website of creator Garyk Lee may be found at

Follow Garyk Lee on Twitter @GarykLeeStyleTV



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